

Downloads | Monero

An open-source graphical user interface (GUI) wallet developed by the Monero community, completely free to use, suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Downloads | Monero

On this page you can find and download the latest version available of the Monero software, as well as hardware, light and mobile wallets.

Home | Monero

Monero, a digital currency that is secure, private, and untraceable.


這是Monero GUI 軟體的v0.17.2.1 版本發布。 最新的CLI 錢包軟體發布可以在先前的文章找到。 關於此項版本的數個重點項目: 修復在macOS ...


Monero is a private, secure, untraceable, decentralised digital currency. You are your bank, you control your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers unless ...


MyMonero has built-in support for exchanging XMR to BTC, with dozens of additional currency pairs on the way soon. Display in familiar world currencies like ...

Releases · monero-projectmonero

2023年10月10日 — This is the v0.18.3.1 release of the Monero GUI software. This release adds support for macOS ARM. The latest CLI release notes and downloads ...

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有兩個教學可以引導你進行驗證的步驟: 在windows 系統上驗證執行檔(入門) - 在Linux, Mac, 或Windows 系統上驗證執行檔(進階). Windows 64-bit (Installer) ...

在App Store 上的「Monero Wallet by Freewallet」

Install Freewallet's Monero Wallet for easy and secure XMR transactions and storage. ... 需要macOS 11.0(或以上版本)以及配備Apple M1(或以上版本)晶片的Mac。